Welcome to the Bailey PTA Website!
This site is your one stop for all information related to our Bailey PTA’s events, volunteer opportunities, budget…everything PTA. Take a few minutes to check out the links to the left especially what the Bailey PTA provides and ways to get involved.
We try our best to keep this site current, and it is updated frequently. Be sure to bookmark our page and come back often!
If you have comments regarding PTA matters, feel free to email any of the board members via the Contact Information link.
If you have any comments or suggestions relating to this website, please email the Bailey PTA webmaster.
PTA Meetings
PTA meetings are generally on the 3rd Tuesday night of the month in Bailey Commons or Media Center. All Bailey teachers and parents are welcome to attend! You don't need to be a member to attend - but you do need to be a member to vote.
We hope you can join us!
2024-2025 Dates
September 17: Budget, Yearly Scope, Kick Off
October 22
November 18
December 17
January 14
February 11
March 25
April 22
May 20
Community Nights

Sept. 16
Oct. 21
Nov. 25
Dec. 16
Jan. 21
Feb. 18
Mar. 24
Apr. 29
May 19
From 5-7 p.m., Culver's will donate 5-10% of sales (depending on the level of sales per hour) for ALL customers who come to Culver's during those times.
No coupon or mention of Bailey Elementary needed for Culver's! Simply show up and enjoy a meal that benefits our wonderful Bailey Bobcats!
Chic-fil-A nights for Bailey Bobcats
Use the Mobile App to order for pickup, inside service or drive thru No need to mention Bailey Elementary
Check back for the next date!

Bailey PTA News and Events
Follow the Bailey Elementary Parent Teacher Association Facebook page!
Keep updated with everything PTA related.
Bailey Spirit Wear
Outfit your whole family in Bailey Bobcat gear! Click the t-shirt for more styles.

Stay Tuned for 2024-2025 Book Fair Dates!
Sign Up to Work the Book Fair!
Scholastic Book Fairs are a great way for the PTA to raise funds to use at our school. Our success is based on the amount of volunteers we have! Please consider an hour or two of your time (during school hours typically). Interested and want to know more? Email us!
Don't forget to sign up for e-wallet! Students who utilize e-wallet for the fair will be eligible for a special treat at the conclusion of the book fair!
All book fair sales earn Scholastic credit to be used to give back to our school! Please consider signing up to maintain this great event for our kids!
APEX Fun Run
Apex was a great success!
Check back for 2025 dates
From About Us | School Fundraising | Apex Leadership Co.
We believe:
Every child can change their school, and the world, in a profound way.
Serving others brings the greatest joy and contributes to the greatest good.
Learning by doing and exercise are both undervalued and underutilized in fundraising today.
Encouragement and enthusiasm build others up—we will help build leaders.
Raising money for your child’s school can also serve as a positive learning experience.
Many people giving a little reduces the individual burden on the typical givers and donors.

PTA Membership
To join the Bailey Elementary PTA simply head over to our Give Backs Member Hub page to sign up today!! We look forward to having you be a part of our Bailey PTA community!
5th Grade Celebration