23-24 Budget Update Coming Soon
Budget Information - 2021-2022
NOTE: The budget for the past two years was atypical due COVID-19 as we had to cancel fundraisers and many of the typical expenses, for example field trips, could not be done in person. The information below was left up as an example of a more "typical" year's budgeting. For 2021-2022 we are returning to more of a "normal" school year budget and will update the information below.
CHART #1: This first pie chart shows the income/fundraising we've budgeted for the 2019-2020 school year. If we are under budget in income, we will not have the funds to pay for all the expenses we've budgeted for (see second pie chart below).
A few notes about the above income budget:
- For the Book Fair, this is the net to the PTA. We take much of our “profits” in Scholastic Dollars that the school uses to purchase books for a better deal.
- Regarding the carry-over from last year's budget: this is the amount we need to use from carry-over money to keep our budget balanced – so our total income matches our total expenses
CHART #2: This second pie chart
shows the expenses we've budgeted for the 2019-2020 school year. This shows all the ways the PTA plans to sponsor and fund different events/activities/enrichments/etc. for the students
of Bailey Elementary for this school year. If we are under budget in income (from sources on above CHART #1), we will not
have the funds to pay for all the expenses we've budgeted for. Our income and expenses are budgeted to be equal, so all funds are needed.
A few notes about the above expense budget:
- Staff Discretionary Funds are dollars each teacher is given to spend for school-related items based on percent of FT.
- Enrichments are Memory Books, COMPAS program, Geography Bee, Kindness Retreat, Project Go, Passport Club, 5th Grade Year-End Celebration
- Grade level field trips is based on per pupil per grade level
- Reading and Literacy includes balanced literacy support, I love to Read, Library Books/Media, etc
- Staff appreciation includes End of year breakfast and Teacher week in May